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This surface information node is the best way to query the control points (also known as control vertices, or CVs) and knots of a surface.

Node name Parents Classification MFn type Compatible function sets
surfaceInfo abstractBaseCreate utility/scalar kSurfaceInfo kBase

Related nodes

reverseSurface, smoothTangentSrf, projectTangent, rbfSrf

Attributes (8)

controlPoints, inputSurface, knotsU, knotsV, weights, xValue, yValue, zValue

Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
inputSurface (is) nurbsSurface NULL outputinputconnectable
The input surface
controlPoints (cp) double3 arrayoutputconnectable
Control points (or control vertices, CVs) of a surface, in U-dominant order.
xValue (xv) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
X value of a control point
yValue (yv) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Y value of a control point
zValue (zv) distance (double) 0.0cm outputconnectable
Z value of a control point
weights (wt) double 1.0 arrayoutputconnectable
CV weights values for NURBS, else unused
knotsU (ku) double 0.0 arrayoutputconnectable
U knots for the surface
knotsV (kv) double 0.0 arrayoutputconnectable
V knots for the surface